Men’s Gathering (Oct 25-27th)

Join us for our Fall Men’s Gathering!

October 25-27th

We have a mission to see men step into their place as fathers in their family & their community. We know that without understanding who we are as sons, this is an impossible task to fulfill. In our modern day culture, our identity as men is attacked daily & it can seem overwhelming to live with a sense of calling & purpose while fulfilling the duties & responsibilities as husbands, fathers, business owners, co workers etc…

In our men’s gatherings, we take a pause to remember who we are. Stepping out of our daily work to hear God’s voice & be surrounded by men who feel the same pressures & face the same obstacles to becoming whole hearted men of God.

Men’s gathering is a time to heal, receive, revive & go back into the lives we are blessed to live with intention. The truth is: You cannot give health to others that you don’t have yourself.

To lead well as men, we first have to know who we are.

What to expect at Men’s Gathering:

  • Deep times of worship / Time in God’s presence

  • Teachings that provoke thought & inspire us as men of God

  • Meals together

  • Conversation around the bon fire & time to share our stories

  • Time to be alone with God in nature

  • Outdoor activities & exercise for those who want to join in


This fall we will hold Men’s Gathering on the The Farm in Jamestown, TN! This event will be a mix of indoor lodging & outdoor camping on the farm. We have indoor lodging for 6-8 - giving seniority to our oldest men at the gathering & will have a tent campsite for all additional guests. We plan to provide tents for all guests but will gladly accept anyone able to bring their own. Bathroom & shower will be available to all guests.

All meals will be included in the costs of the event excluding any specific snacks you may want to bring.


(We will be together for 2 Nights - A Day & A Half + Breakfast Sunday Morning)

Friday Evening - Arrive & Jump In

Saturday - All Day

Sunday Morning - Breakfast & leave as early as needed to meet families at church etc…